The Tonopah Convention Center will be site of a "Show Me the Funding!" Workshop on March 17 from 11- 4 p.m. Businesses, non-profits, home buyers, farmers and ranchers and individuals interested in accessing capital for personal or public projects are welcome to attend.
The workshop will provide information about access to capital for business ventures, home loans and grants for home repair, and alternative energy and energy efficiency improvement grants. Funders will also have information on Brownfields funding, along with information on grants and revolving loan funds. Attendees will receive a directory of all the funders along with contact information.
The workshop schedule is as follows:
11-1 p.m. -Formal presentation by funding agencies
1-4 p.m.- Meet with funders, ask questions about project funding
The workshop is sponsored by the Tonopah Economic Corporation, the Small Business Administration, the Nye County Regional Economic Development Authority and the United States Department of Agriculture, Rural Development.
For more information call USDA Rural Development Economic Development Specialist Lu Torres at (702) 716-8771.