People may remember when many rural households didn’t have electricity or running water. Although those days are long gone for most, some American infrastructure is in disrepair.
This is why President Trump has made it a priority to rebuild America’s infrastructure. He proposes to devote $50 billion, which is 25 percent of new federal money, to improving infrastructure in rural America. This is an unprecedented commitment. His proposal will stimulate at least $1.5 trillion in infrastructure investments over the next decade.
I am delighted to share with you some great news right now. Included in the FY 2018 budget bill is a robust investment of $600 million in rural broadband. USDA will use these funds to administer a new program that will begin to meet the Administration’s goals of bringing reliable and affordable broadband e-connectivity to rural American homes, businesses, farms, schools and health care centers. Today, 80 percent of 24 million American households that do not have 21st century high-speed internet are in rural areas and that is unacceptable.
Every day, I see firsthand the tremendous difference USDA has made over the decades by investing in rural infrastructure and forming strong partnerships with local business and civic leaders. For example, when USDA partnered with Bremer Bank and the Baldwin Area Medical Center to construct a state-of-the-art Critical Access Hospital with a $35 million combined loan, it enabled the Hospital to continue to treat and serve countless rural residents in northwest WI.
Last year alone, USDA infrastructure investments assisted nearly ten thousand family’s find affordable housing, helped almost 60 businesses create or retain 1,000 jobs, and partnered with over 100 communities modernize their water and waste systems and essential community facilities that directly impacted 45,000 residents. USDA investments enhanced the quality of life and improved rural prosperity to areas in need and we will do more in the years ahead.
Throughout my term, I will be meeting with local leaders and rural residents to learn about infrastructure needs and concerns. I want to hear about what’s working and what we can do better. Please contact me or our team of specialists in Stevens Point, Wis. to let us know of your community’s infrastructure needs. Our number is 715-345-7600.
Together, we can ensure that USDA investments in rural infrastructure will create jobs, expand economic opportunities and help ensure that rural communities continue to be great places to live, work, start a business and raise a family.