Today the Department of Agriculture announced an $18,300 grant award to Southeastern Technical College that will be used to purchase equipment for a new Computer Numerical Controller (CNC) laboratory at the Swainsboro campus. Southeastern Tech is adding the CNC Specialist Technical Certificate of Credit (TCC) program to meet the local high demand for a technically skilled workforce.
“The new CNC TCC program represents Southeastern Tech’s renewed commitment to growing workforce development,” said Jill Stuckey, USDA Rural Development Georgia State Director, “Rural Development is also committed to your success.” Southeastern Tech worked in partnership with area manufacturing representatives, the Swainsboro/Emanuel County Development Authority, and local businesses and industries to create this opportunity for a highly skilled labor force that can find sustaining employment within the region. It is estimated that area manufacturers could increase employment levels 20 percent in CNC machine related fields if they had trained and ready candidates.
Classified as a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics or STEM career, CNC is reported in the top 11 high-demand careers by the office of Governor Deal. CNCs operate a variety of computer-controlled and mechanically controlled machine tools to produce precision parts from everything from metal to plastic to fabric. Southeastern Technical College plans to offer the program in the evenings for traditional students, but is also promoting its CNC program as a Move On When Ready (MOWR) program to allow high school students to earn college credit while working on their high school diploma. It is anticipated that it will help raise high school graduation rates. For more information about the CNC TCC program, visit or call (478) 289-2200.
The grant will provide partial funding for the purchase of a PC-controlled 3-axis milling machine and a PC-controlled slant-bed lathe. Funding is being provided through USDA Rural Development’s Community Facilities Grant program. Community Facilities Programs provide loans, grant and loan guarantees for essential community facilities in rural areas. Priority is given to health care, education and public safety projects. Since FY2013 Georgia Rural Development invested $681,000 in grants for sixteen STEM education projects. For more information about Community Facilities programs, contact Rural Development at (706) 546-2171.
President Obama’s plan for rural America has brought about historic investment and resulted in stronger rural communities. Under the President’s leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities.