USDA State Director Colleen Landkamer today announced $600,000 to help three rural Minnesota cooperatives create jobs and support business expansion. The funds are being provided through the Rural Cooperative Development Grant program, which helps fund rural cooperative development centers including non-profits and higher education institutions.
"These grants help support the cooperative business model, which has been very successful in improving the sustainability of our rural communities,” Landkamer said. "USDA funding helps provide the expertise and capacity-building resources that cooperatives use to help create jobs and improve rural economic conditions.”
Development Centers can use RCDG funds for feasibility studies, strategic planning, leadership and operations training, and business plan development.
The Latino Economic Development Center (LEDC) in Minneapolis, Minn., will receive a $200,000 technical assistance grant to help rural Latino farmers form cooperatives to promote economic development. LEDC has trained Latino farmers in cooperative organization and management, including farm incubation equipment sharing, which enables them to move from migrant work to year-round positions, creating pathways for low-wage farmworkers to become farm owners.
Additionally, the Food Co-op Initiative in Dennison, Minn. will receive a $200,000 technical assistance grant to provide trainings to food cooperatives located in rural areas. The technical assistance provided will help to create new economic development opportunities, create and retain jobs, and develop new markets for local producers.
Northcountry Cooperative Foundation in Minneapolis, Minn. will receive a $200,000 grant to provide technical assistance and training to farm housing and food worker cooperatives in the rural Upper Midwest.
Nationwide, USDA is providing grants for 30 projects in 22 states. Since 2009, USDA has funded 230 cooperative grants for $44.4 million to support projects in 39 states. This funding has benefited more than 2,600 businesses.
For more information on USDA Rural Development programs, please contact your local Area Office by visiting