Acting Deputy Undersecretary for Rural Development Roger Glendenning today kicked off National Homeownership Month to celebrate the vital contribution homeowners have made to communities across rural America.
“Owning a home provides rural residents a secure environment where they can raise families, and help invigorate local rural economies that are vital to the long-term security and well-being of our nation,” Glendenning said. “Homeownership fortifies communities, creates jobs and strengthens the local businesses that support our towns.”
Luis R. García-Boria, Rural Development Acting State Director for Puerto Rico, indicated that USDA provides mortgage loan guarantees through partnerships with private sector lenders to help low to moderate-income rural home buyers. In 2016 USDA in Puerto Rico worked with 50 lenders and provided 1,717 rural individuals and families a home.
USDA helped more than 4.1 million rural residents buy homes since the National Housing Act was passed 68 years ago. In Puerto Rico more than 36,000 rural residents have been assisted.
Department of Agriculture employees will celebrate National Homeownership Month throughout June with events across the nation that demonstrate the Department’s longstanding commitment to provide affordable housing opportunities for rural Americans. To learn more about USDA’s observance of National Homeownership Mont please visit our Facebook page or follow @USDARD on Twitter.
For additional information, please, call, Arlene Zambrana, Rural Housing Program Director, at (787)766- 5709 or Miguel Ramírez. Public Affairs Coordinator at (787) 766-5708 or visit our web .