Olympia, Wash. – Dec. 16, 2015 - With a grant from the U. S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), the founding board met late November to formally create Partners for Rural Washington (PRWA), a non-profit organization that will function similarly to a rural development council of the past with a mission to assist Washington rural regions and their residents to develop prosperous and sustainable communities.
The founding board is composed of representatives from all levels of government, community and regional nonprofit organizations, as well as the private sector, including:
• Kim Herman was elected Board President. Mr. Herman is Executive Director of the Washington State Housing Finance Commission.
• Lael Duncan, is Board Vice President and Executive Director of the Okanogan Community Action Council.
• Judith Olsen is Board Treasurer. Ms. Olsen currently serves as President of Impact Capital.
• Mario Villanueva is Board Secretary and is Washington State Director, Rural Development, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
• Tim Crosby is a Board Director and Coordinator of the Cascadia Foodshed Financing Project.
• Jon Devaney is a Board Director and heads the newly formed Washington State Tree Fruit Association.
• Lisa Wellman is a Board Director and heads the Communication Committee. Ms. Wellman is an IT industry executive and serves as Managing Director for nsquared solutions.
For more information please contact Lisa Wellman by calling 206.236.0354 or email her at lisawellman@comcast.net.