U.S. Dept. of Agriculture Rural Development State Director for Michigan Jason Allen today announced the availability of $33 million to support value-added products.
“This is an excellent opportunity for producers boost the economic value of their crops and enrich the local community,” said Allen. “It also allows Michigan residents more ways to support local farms and businesses.”
The Value-Added Producer Grant program helps agricultural producers enter into activities related to the processing and marketing of value-added products. The goals of this program are to generate new products, create and expand marketing opportunities and increase producer income.
Applicants may receive priority if they are beginning farmers or ranchers, veteran farmers or ranchers, socially-disadvantaged farmers or ranchers, small and medium-sized farms or ranches structured as a family farm, farmers or rancher cooperatives or are proposing a mid-tier value chain.
Grants are awarded through a national competition. Each fiscal year, applications are requested through a notice published in the Federal Register and through an announcement posted on Grants.gov. Grant amounts are up to $75,000 for planning and $250,000 for working capital.
To learn more about how Value-Added Producer Grants can fund your potential project, contact USDA Rural Development at (517) 324-5157.
USDA Rural Development provides loans and grants to help expand economic opportunities and create jobs in rural areas. This assistance supports infrastructure improvements; business development; housing; community services such as schools, public safety and health care; and high-speed internet access in rural areas. For more information, visit www.rd.usda.gov.