USDA's Rural Utilities Service has more than $4 billion in Direct Loan funds available for rural community water and wastewater system improvements; nearly triple the normal annual obligation.
The funding is available for small towns (population of 10,000 or fewer) to construct a water tank, install new water or sewer lines, or build a waste water treatment plant along with a myriad of other projects.
USDA's Water and Environmental Program (WEP) offers long-term, low-interest loans.
"The Water and Waste Disposal program is a vital funding source available to rural communities to help them keep the pace with the needs of their rising populations." Texas State Director Edd Hargett said. "This increase in funding is a prime time for communities to get the assistance they need to better serve their rural residents."
For more information about USDA's funding, contact USDA Rural Development Community Programs Director Michael Canales at (254) 742-9787 or by email at
USDA WEP eligibility information is available online at