USDA Rural Development Area Director Joe Woody joined Tennessee College of Applied Technology Director Jerry Patton outside of the TCAT Morristown campus Monday to celebrate new equipment that will be purchased with RD funds for both Morristown and Surgoinsville campuses.
As a recipient of a Rural Business Development Grant, TCAT Morristown and TCAT Surgoinsville received $110,020 to assist with the purchase of state of the art technology equipment that will be used to train students and interested industries in the areas of Advanced Manufacturing.
“On average, 90 percent of the students trained are placed directly into jobs with businesses located in the ten county service area of TCAT Morristown. The project is a culmination of meetings among RD, TCAT Directors and TN ECD Workforce Development staff to meet the needs of a growing student base,” Woody said.
Others participating in the event include Field Representative for Senator Alexander Lana Moore, Tri-Cities Field Representative for Senator Corker Jill Salyers, Field Representative for Congressman Roe Bill Snodgrass, Hamblen County Mayor Bill Brittain and Morristown Mayor Gary Chesney, and Morristown Chamber of Commerce Director Marshall Ramsey.
USDA Rural Development is moving investments to rural America with housing, business and infrastructure loans and grants to create jobs and strengthen rural economies with an emphasis to assist areas of persistent poverty. Since 2009, the agency has assisted more than $1.5 million Tennessee families and businesses in 230 communities in all 95 counties of Tennessee, investing more than $5.4 billion through affordable loans, loan guarantees and grants.
For more information on USDA Rural Development programs available in East Tennessee contact the Knoxville Area Office at 865-523-3338 x 4, or 800-342-3149 x 1491. Visit us online at