Funding supports solar and other renewable energy projects to create jobs and promote energy independence in Maine
USDA Rural Development State Director Virginia Manuel has announced that three rural Maine wastewater systems will receive funding for major upgrades through USDA Rural Development’s Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan and Grant Programs, as well as the Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Grant Program (SEARCH).
USDA Rural Development State Director Virginia Manuel said, “I am pleased USDA Rural Development can help three rural Maine communities to upgrade essential wastewater infrastructure and plan for the future system needs. This investment of over $2 million will benefit 782 households and 169 rural businesses and other facilities, having an important overall impact on the sustainability of these local economies.”
USDA Rural Development is investing a total of $2,015,500 in 3 rural Maine wastewater systems:
Newport Sanitary District has been selected to receive a Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan in the amount of $968,000 and Grant of $525,000 to make upgrades to the District’s wastewater treatment facility. The treatment facility is 30 years old and in need of important upgrades to the system’s headworks, lagoon liner, aeration systems, blowers, lagoon inlet and effluent structures, control building, and generator, along with other miscellaneous improvements. The sewer system serves approximately 452 households and 152 businesses and public facilities. This project will provide the upgrades needed to continue to preserve the waters of the Sebasticook River watershed.
The Town of Brownville has been selected to receive a Water and Waste Direct Loan of $325,000 and Grant of $175,000 for upgrades to the Town’s pump stations, wastewater treatment equipment, and construction of a new force main under the Pleasant River. The sewer system currently serves approximately 330 households and 17 businesses and public facilities.
Winter Harbor Utilities District, has been selected to receive a grant in the amount of $22,500 to complete a Preliminary Engineering Report and Environmental Report that will provide an analysis of the existing wastewater treatment system, treatment requirements and needs, cost analysis and treatment options. The project will provide information to the District so that it will be prepared to meet the community’s wastewater treatment needs in the future.
Funding of announced today is contingent upon the recipient meeting the terms of the loan or grant agreement.
USDA Rural Development has Area Offices located in Presque Isle, Bangor, Lewiston, and Scarborough, as well as a State Office, located in Bangor. There are 57 employees working to deliver the agency’s Housing, Business, and Community Programs, which are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, and farmers, and improve the quality of life in rural Maine. Further information on rural programs is available at a local USDA Rural Development office or by visiting USDA Rural Development's web site at