Agriculture Under Secretary Lisa Mensah has announced 30 grants nationwide totaling $5.8 million to help rural cooperatives create jobs and support business expansion. The funds are being provided through the Rural Cooperative Development Grant program, which helps fund non-profit groups, such as rural cooperative development centers and higher education institutions.
"The cooperative business model has been very successful in improving the economies of our rural communities,” Mensah said. "As we celebrate October as National Cooperative Month, we are pleased to bring a spotlight to these worthy groups.”
Development Centers can use RCDG funds for feasibility studies, strategic planning, leadership and operations training, and business plan development. As part of this grant program, recipients are required to contribute matching funds that equal 25 percent of total project costs.
Projects in 22 states are receiving RCDG funding. For example, the University of Texas – Pan American will receive a $199,986 grant to provide assistance to cooperatives in Texas and New Mexico, focusing efforts in persistent poverty and distressed areas.
Since the start of the Obama Administration, USDA has funded 230 cooperative grants for $44.4 million to support projects in 39 states. This funding has benefited more than 2,600 businesses. Through this announcement, USDA is providing grants for 30 projects in 22 states. Funding is contingent upon the recipients meeting the terms of their grant agreement.
USDA, through its Rural Development mission area, administers and manages housing, business and community infrastructure and facility programs through a national network of state and local offices. These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, farmers and ranchers and improve the quality of life in rural America. For information on this and other USDA Rural Development programs in Texas, visit