$7.1 Million will go to Town of East Millinocket
At a community Earth Day Celebration held at the East Millinocket Town Hall today, town officials, partners, businesses, residents and area third-graders received significant news: USDA Rural Development is investing $7.1 million in the Town for the purpose of reusing parts of the former mill to make significant wastewater infrastructure improvements.
USDA Rural Development State Director Virginia Manuel said, “This major Earth Day funding in the amount of $7.1 million is an investment in the promising future of the East Millinocket community. This represents a commitment by USDA Rural Development and the Town of East Millinocket to ensure infrastructure is in place to support business development and economic growth through a unique project that recycles on a larger scale by utilizing parts of the former mill.”
In total four projects were announced on Earth Day, for an investment of $15,163,000 in Maine’s wastewater infrastructure:
The Town of East Millinocket has been selected to receive a USDA Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan in the amount of $3,648,000 and Grant in the amount of $3,500,000. The project has been selected as the USDA Rural Development 2016 Maine Earth Day project due to the importance of preserving the natural beauty of the region, the waterways, and abundant outdoor recreation for all to enjoy.
The improvements will include a new headworks building with preliminary treatment equipment, influent monitoring and sampling equipment, 3 cell aerated lagoon system, aeration blowers, chemical building and equipment, chlorine contact tank, control building modification, new electrical service entrance and transformer. The facility provides wastewater services to its 737 residential, 28 commercial and 7 governmental customers. The upgrades will ensure compliance with Maine Department of Environmental Protection standards and in preservation of the Penobscot River Water Shed. The Penobscot River and its tributaries flow from near Mount Katahdin in the North Woods through the heart of Maine to Penobscot Bay. -
The Freeport Sewer District has been selected to receive a Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan in the amount of $2,115,000 and Grant in the amount of $1,100,000. Funds will be used to rehabilitate 11,000 linear feet of sewer lines, replacing key components of the Mast Landing and Porter Landing Pump Stations, and the construction of a new pump station.
The Lincolnville Sewer District has been selected to receive a Water and Waste Disposal Direct Loan of $1,600,000 and Grant of $1,000,000. Funds will be used to construct a new wastewater collection system and a new wastewater treatment facility in the Beach Area of Lincolnville.
The City of Old Town has been selected to receive a Water and Waste Direct Loan of $1,650,000 and Grant of $550,000. Funds will be used to replace three of the City’s aged wastewater pump stations. The City’s wastewater system plays an important role in preserving the Penobscot River.
USDA Rural Development is a vital partner of Maine’s water and wastewater systems, and has invested over $230.7 million in approximately 70 water and wastewater facilities in Maine since Fiscal Year 2008.
USDA Rural Development has Area Offices located in Presque Isle, Bangor, Lewiston, and Scarborough, as well as a State Office, located in Bangor. There are 54 employees working to deliver the agency’s Housing, Business, and Community Programs, which are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, and farmers, and improve the quality of life in rural Maine. Further information on rural programs is available at a local USDA Rural Development office or by visiting USDA Rural Development's web site at http://www.rd.usda.gov/me.