USDA Rural Development State Director Maxine Moul announced that nearly $53 million was delivered to Nebraska in federal fiscal year 2016 through its Community Programs. The total Community Programs portfolio reflects $577 million in funding since 1996. USDA Rural Development is currently accepting applications for fiscal year 2017 and leveraging with other financial resources greatly enhances each project’s support.
“The infrastructure of rural communities is essential and USDA Rural Development is pleased to be able to support Nebraska communities with $52.9 million in 2016,” said Moul. “We look forward to Fiscal Year 2017 and continuing to meet the needs of rural residents.”
The Community Programs include community facilities and the water and environmental programs. In Fiscal Year 2016 USDA Rural Development assisted 17 communities through $36.8 million for community facility projects such as new ambulances, libraries, a hospital, fire halls, emergency sirens, and an assisted living facility. For water and environmental programs, 26 communities were helped by $16.1 million that provided for safe, potable drinking water and sanitary wastewater disposal systems.
The City of Pawnee City received USDA Rural Development loan and grant funding of $3,163,100 leveraged with $200,000 from the Pawnee City Development Corporation and $122,895 from donations. The $3.5 million structure for a new assisted living facility will consist of 14,700 square feet offering 22 resident units. The facility will be licensed for 24 beds. When completed, the facility will bring 10 jobs to Pawnee City.
The City of Mitchell was awarded a $4,012,000 loan through USDA Rural Development’s Water and Environmental Program for the development of a new land application lagoon site, installation of a lift station and repairs to the main line collection system. These improvements will mitigate water quality problems with the current lagoon system enabling the city to meet state and federal mandates. The loan will allow the city to rectify the issues in the next two years.
For more information contact the Rural Development office nearest you. You can locate an office by visiting: Visit for information on all of Rural Development’s programs.
President Obama’s plan for rural America has brought about historic investment and resulted in stronger rural communities. Under the President’s leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities. USDA’s investments in rural communities support the rural way of life that stands as the backbone of our American values.