USDA Rural Development State Director Patty Clark announced that six communities in Kansas are receiving funding to improve water and wastewater systems for approximately 6,500 rural Kansans.
“USDA Rural Development provides critical financing to rural communities for water and sewer infrastructure projects,” said Clark. “The investment made by the federal government in rural infrastructure, will help to provide rural Kansans with safe, affordable drinking water for many years to come.”
Financing for the projects announced today is provided through USDA’s Water and Environmental Program, which provides financing for drinking water, sanitary sewer, solid waste and storm drainage facilities in rural areas. USDA’s Water and Environmental Program help very small, financially distressed rural communities extend and improve water and waste treatment facilities that serve local households and businesses. Good practices can save tax dollars, improve the natural environment, and help manufacturers and businesses to locate or expand operations.
Six Kansas communities are receiving a total of $9.062 million in financing from USDA Rural Development to improve water and wastewater infrastructure.
• City of Belvue
$74,000 loan and $296,000 grant
USDA Rural Development funding will be used to develop a new water source for the city. The Kansas Department of Commerce provided a $312,645 Community Development Block Grant to the project.
• City of Easton
$136,000 loan and $252,000 grant
USDA Rural Development funding will be used to supplement prior funding for constructing a new water treatment plant, replacing approximately 5,700 feet of water lines, and installing 12 fire hydrants and 41 water meters. The Kansas Department of Commerce provided a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant to the project.
• City of Ellis
$567,000 loan
USDA Rural Development funds will be used to replace four sections of existing water lines, which will total approximately 3,800 linear feet.
• City of Hiawatha
$1,373,000 loan and $927,000 grant
USDA Rural Development financing will be used to rehabilitate 8,000 feet of sewer pipe and 50 manholes, and replace approximately 12,000 feet of sewer pipe. The Kansas Department of Commerce provided a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant to the project.
• City of Howard
$2,505,000 loan and $2,387,000 grant
USDA Rural Development funding will be used to improve the city’s water distribution system by updating 64,700 linear feet of waterlines, 350 service assemblies, 140 gate valves and 70 fire hydrants. The Kansas Department of Commerce provided a $500,000 Community Development Block Grant to the project.
• City of Netawaka
$300,000 loan and $245,000 grant
USDA Rural Development funding will be used to rehabilitate the city’s existing water storage tank and replace the water distribution system. This project will install 16,600 feet of main water line, 85 service meters, and fire hydrants
USDA, through its Rural Development mission area, administers and manages housing, business and community infrastructure programs through a national network of state and local offices. Rural Development has an active portfolio of more than $210.5 billion in loans and loan guarantees. These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, farmers and ranchers and improve the quality of life in rural America.
Further information on programs available through USDA Rural Development is available by calling (785) 271-2700, or by visiting the Agency’s website at