USDA Rural Development Acting State Director Bruce Jones announced today that $463.8 million was invested in rural South Dakota communities from October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014. As outlined in South Dakota’s 2014 Progress Report, the program funds assist housing, business and community development, water and waste water, energy, distance learning and telemedicine, electric companies and telecommunications. Water and waste water funds are limited to communities of less than 10,000 population. Community facility funding is available to towns of 20,000 population or less. Businesses and industries in communities with up to 50,000 residents can obtain funding through the business programs.
“USDA Rural Development is pleased to assist rural communities with their infrastructure needs and support efforts to improve the quality of life for rural residents living in South Dakota’s rural communities,” said Jones. “We look forward to continuing to meet the needs of rural residents in Fiscal Year 2015.”
Rural Development’s investment include $7 million in South Dakota rural businesses, supporting 37 projects; $196.8 million in loans and grants to build, repair, rehabilitate, and purchase homes – the agency obligated 71 direct loans and 1,465 guaranteed loans; $6.9 million in community facilities loans and grants – the 26 projects included funding for schools, fire and safety equipment to benefit 6,378 rural South Dakota residents; and $238 million through 32 infrastructure projects to provide reliable and clean drinking water, waste treatment systems, electric power, and telecommunications services in about 40 rural communities in South Dakota.
For example the Deuel Area Development, Inc. (DADI) received a USDA Rural Development Rural Business Enterprise Grant (RBEG), now known as Rural Business Development Grants, and leveraged it with other funding to provide technical assistance to small businesses in eastern South Dakota; the Mni Waste’ Water Company will soon have a new water treatment plant connected to an abundant water supply – the Missouri River – thanks to USDA Rural Development Water and Waste Disposal funding and other funding from the Indian Health Service and Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe; and the Joe and Danielle Donnell family are living in their new home thanks to a USDA Rural Development direct loan that was leveraged with a Homes Are Possible, Inc. (HAPI) silent mortgage, a GROW SD Silent Mortgage for repairs, a GROW SD Silent Mortgage for closing costs, and a NAHI grant for down payment and closings costs.
Since 2009, $2.4 billion has been invested in South Dakota’s economy and of that total, $229.4 million has been secured for projects on reservations. For more information on reservation projects, see the Rural Development Report on Tribal Projects in South Dakota 2009-2014.
Additional information on Rural Development programs can be found at or contact a USDA Rural Development office nearest you.
President Obama’s plan for rural America has brought about historic investment and resulted in stronger rural communities. Under the President’s leadership, these investments in housing, community facilities, businesses and infrastructure have empowered rural America to continue leading the way – strengthening America’s economy, small towns and rural communities. USDA’s investments in rural communities support the rural way of life that stands as the backbone of our American values.