U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) officials joined Stewart Property Management at Wall Street Apartments in Springfield Tuesday to present William Simoneau with the Maintenance Person of the Year award for his dedication to the upkeep of the apartments and their residents. Each year, USDA Rural Development recognizes the hard work and commitment of an exemplary property management professional in one of USDA Rural Development’s Multi-Family Housing Program properties.
“Because of his daily dedication to the needs of the residents and the property, no one has a more direct impact on the quality of life for the residents of Wall Street Apartments than Mr. Simoneau,”said Ted Brady, USDA Rural Development Vermont and New Hampshire State Director. “Be it working to ensure that the apartments are free of lead paint, or by connecting tenants to local supportive services in times of need, Mr. Simoneau’s commitment to his work is highly deserving of recognition.”
Simoneau, of Springfield, has maintained Wall Street Apartments while working for Stewart Property Management since 2009. Paul Stewart, president of Stewart Property Management, nominated Simoneau for the award citing his interest in professional development, his knowledge of the community and local support services, and his willingness to act as a mentor to an individual seeking to improve job skills in the maintenance field through a Vermont Department of Labor program. His nomination application included letters of support from residents who noted Simoneau’s good humor and quick response time.
Wall Street Apartments is a historical property that provides 13 units of affordable rental housing to residents in downtown Springfield. The property is owned by Wall Street Housing LP, a partnership between Housing Vermont and Windham & Windsor Housing Trust, and managed by Stewart Property Management. In 2004, Wall Street Apartments entered into USDA Rural Development’s Multi-Family Housing Portfolio. This program supports the development and preservation of affordable multi-family rental housing for low-income, elderly or disabled individuals and families in rural areas. USDA Rural Development supports 1,875 affordable units of rental housing in 79 properties across Vermont.
USDA, through its RD mission area, administers and manages housing, business and community infrastructure programs through a national network of state and local offices. Rural Development has an active portfolio of $214 billion in loans and loan guarantees. These programs are designed to improve the economic stability of rural communities, businesses, residents, farmers and ranchers and improve the quality of life in rural areas. For more information on Rural Development visit the Vermont Rural Development website (www.rd.usda.gov/vt ) or contact USDA RD at (802) 828-6000.