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Success Stories

USDA Rural Development Hosts Community Outreach Event at the University of Guam

Community Facilities
Rural Housing Service (RHS) Administrator Joaquin Altoro and Hawaii/Western Pacific State Director Chris Kanazawa speaks with Guam's Governor Lou Leon Guerrero following the outreach event held at the University of Guam.

On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, USDA Rural Development Hawaii/Western Pacific State Director Chris Kanazawa, Rural Housing Service (RHS) Administrator Joaquin Altoro and USDA RD program representatives provided an overview of loans and grants available for rural area residents, businesses and cooperatives in Guam and Western Pacific in an outreach event at the University of Guam.

Hawaii/Western Pacific State Director Chris Kanazawa said the event provided an excellent opportunity to meet with government and business leaders to address concerns and needs for Guam and Western Pacific. “Living on remote island communities always presents unique challenges and barriers to the access of resources readily available in rural communities on the mainland,” Kanazawa stated. “Recognition of this distinction requires Rural Development to tailor its menu of programs to meet these special needs of our communities in Hawaii, Guam, and the Western Pacific.”

According to Joaquin Altoro, it’s important to make the trip from Washington, D.C. to see firsthand how USDA Rual Development can help with rural areas throughout the Western Pacific. “As RHS Administrator, two of my key priorities consist of working diligently with our staff to ensure we are implementing necessary policy changes and expanding the reach of our programs and resources to all communities across the nation—including underserved rural residents in the U.S. Pacific Islands.”

Altoro added that USDA Rural Development is a vital housing asset. “USDA Rural Housing is an important partner in the planning, design, and financing of community and housing infrastructure in rural communities. We are an important resource provider, and my hope is to continue to being a committed partner for rural communities in Guam and neighboring U.S. territories to address their unique housing and community infrastructure needs.” 

To learn more, visit www.usda.gov/hi  

Obligation Amount:
Year(s) of Obligation:
Congressional District:
  • Guam: Delegate District At-Large