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STAGED: Environmental Compliance


USDA Rural Development must comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) (42 U.S.C. 4321 and following ), and other environmental requirements, basing federal financial assistance decisions on an understanding of the environmental consequences of proposed actions, and taking actions to protect, restore, and enhance the quality of the human environment.

Environmental review is required for every proposed action for federal financial assistance. Examples include direct loans, grants, loan guarantees, and construction work plan approvals, among others.

NEPA requires the federal government to use all practicable means to create and maintain conditions under which people and nature can exist in productive harmony.

NEPA also requires federal agencies to use a systematic, interdisciplinary approach to incorporate environmental considerations in planning and decision making. Specifically, federal agencies must prepare detailed statements assessing the environmental impact of – and alternatives to – major federal actions significantly affecting the environment. The required environmental review of any proposed project must be completed prior to site disturbance.

Compliance Process

Once you’ve made the decision to request financial assistance from USDA RD, you must initiate the environmental review process. The basic information you’ll be required to provide to complete the environmental analysis for your project will include site location, area of ground disturbance, vegetation removal and construction specifics. USDA RD environmental staff can assist you with identifying any additional required information.  The environmental analysis must be reviewed and approved by USDA RD prior to any ground disturbance, site preparation, demolition activity, or vegetation removal. 

We encourage you to contact us as early as possible in your planning and decisional processes. This can avoid project delays and ensure that your project is compliant with all federal regulations and requirements. Early coordination with USDA RD, funding partners and regulatory agencies can assist with getting your environmental review process approved and your project moving forward. If ground disturbance or construction has started prior to coordinating with USDA RD, please contact us for further guidance.

    • A Categorical Exclusion (CE) – or CE with Environmental Report (ER) can typically take 2 – 6 months or longer to develop and complete. 
    • The statutory timeline for an Environmental Assessment (EA) is 1 year.
    • The statutory timeline for Environmental Impact Statements is 2 years.
    1. USDA RD has reviewed the environmental review document for accuracy and completeness
    2. All required public notices have been published, and public comment periods are concluded
    3. USDA RD has considered and addressed public comments received during established comment periods
    4. USDA RD has approved submitted environmental review documents
    5. USDA RD executes the appropriate environmental decision document. Program staff will notify applicants.

USDA Rural Development Environmental Guidance

  • 7 CFR 1970 – USDA Rural Development Environmental Policies and Procedures. Please refer to this document for definitions and acronyms.

Environmental Resources and Links

Both USDA Rural Development and you, the applicant, must comply with existing and future statutes, Executive Orders, and regulations that affect the implementation of environmental requirements. The following resources and links will help you prepare your environmental documents.

REMEMBER: Environmental conditions are dynamic. Please be certain that all information you provide accurately reflects current USDA RD requirements.


NEPAssist: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s NEPAssist tool helps facilitate the environmental review process and project planning in relation to environmental considerations.

Resource Links:

    • The U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Map of Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) is America’s official national inventory of U.S. terrestrial and marine protected areas dedicated to the preservation of biological diversity and to other natural, recreation and cultural uses.
    • The U.S. Department of the Interior | National Park Service (NPS) Nationwide Rivers Inventory is a map listing more than 3,200 free-flowing river segments in the U.S. believed to possess one or more “outstandingly remarkable” values
    • National Wild and Scenic Rivers System – a multijurisdictional website hosted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and co-sponsored by the Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and the U.S. Forest Service
    • Protected Lands.net
    • Natural Resources Conservation Service - State Soil Scientists
  • We recognize that healthy ecosystems depend on diverse and abundant plant and animal populations. Fish and wildlife are important economic, aesthetic, ecological, educational, recreational and scientific resources, and have inherent value as components and indicators of healthy ecosystems.

Contact Us

Contact: 1-800-555-5555