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STAGED: Environmental Documents Available for Public Involvement

USDA Rural Development values – and recognizes the importance of – public input to the environmental process. The goal of public involvement is to engage interested or affected parties, to share information, and solicit input regarding the potential environmental impacts of proposals. 

These types of documents require public engagement:

Environmental Assessments (EA):

All of the proposals listed on the USDA RD Environmental Assessments webpage required the preparation of an Environmental Assessment using Environmental Policies and Procedures.

Environmental Impact Statements:

National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires Environmental Impact Statements for any federal actions significantly impacting the environment. At USDA RD, we use Environmental Impact Statements (real-world examples are available on our Impact Statements webpage) to evaluate proposed projects when making funding or project approval decisions. 

Other USDA RD Federal Register notices for public comments:

U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) – USDA Preliminary Affordability Determinations | Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards: Notice and Environmental Assessment – Finding of No Significant Impact (EA-FONSI): This is a notice of preliminary determination and solicitation of comment for the adoption of energy efficiency standards for new construction of HUD- and USDA-financed housing.

This type of Federal Register notice applies to the following USDA Rural Housing Service (RHS) programs: Single Family Housing Direct Loans and Guaranteed Housing Loans (Section 502), and Mutual Self-Help Technical Assistance Grants (Section 523).

This notice follows procedures established by the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (PDF) for HUD and USDA to update energy efficiency standards for single family housing and low-rise multifamily buildings.

See the documents below for additional details: