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Better Grants Better Service (BGBS)

What is BGBS?

Better Grants Better Service (BGBS) is a Rural Development (RD)-wide effort to review RD’s grant-only programs and determine how best to modernize them.

Through ongoing and direct feedback, our customers have asked us to look for opportunities to improve how we deliver our programs. Many customers find it hard to navigate our grant program applications, which results in incomplete or ineligible applications. RD has listened to this feedback and is dedicated to finding and implementing solutions.

Our Commitment to You

Inclusion and transparency are important to the success of BGBS.  Through BGBS we will gather new ideas directly from our customers and our staff to determine which changes to our grant processes will have the most impact. Our findings and actions will be available to the public in a final report.

What are our Goals?

Through Better Grants, Better Service we will:

  • Make it easier to successfully apply for grants; and
  • Improve the speed and consistency of our customer service; and 
  • Provide a better, overall grant application experience.


To learn more about Better Grants Better Service, watch this video. It is also accessible in Spanish.

  • Search and see all of USDA Rural Development's investments across rural America at the Rural Data Gateway.  Accessible on computer, tablet or phone!
  • Learn more about RD's performance improvement efforts at Performance.gov.

We Want to Hear from You!

BGBS is currently exploring ways to improve equipment grants across RD programs. Please share your ideas of how to streamline and improve Rural Development grants by emailing SM.RD.BetterGrants@usda.gov.

Stay Up-To-Date on Our Progress!

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