The Community Clinic of Maui opened its doors in 1993 with only a mid-level provider sharing an office at the Salvation Army, dedicated to serving the poor, uninsured and homeless of Maui. As the community needs exploded, the growing clinic struggled to find space to meet patient needs for services. Finding itself located in three facilities, the desire was to expand the growing need for services offered and house everything under one roof saving patients and staff valuable time. The geographic separation had patients receiving health care at one site, eligibility and other services at another, and billing and payment resolution at a third site.
Turning to USDA Rural Development for assistance, CCM was able to turn their plans into a solid, one-stop shop for the community. CCM is one of the fastest growing health centers in Hawaii. What started with just 1,000 patient encounters annually in 1993 jumped to 20,411 patient encounters just eight years later with growth continuing.
The consolidation project, completed in steps, began with the purchase of an old supermarket in Wailuku. The inside was renovated, existing parking areas were repaved and lighting and landscaping were upgraded. The new modern facility is handicapped-accessible, climate controlled, has sufficient fire exits and enhanced patient privacy. Gone are the days of closet offices, leaking ceilings, inadequate restrooms, crumbling walkways, dirt lot parking and cramped quarters with too few patient rooms. Patients no longer have to step over a speed bump and a paved curb moving from one building to another. The expanded facilities make CCM services more accessible and enhance patent recruitment and retention capabilities.
Some services offered at the consolidated location include clinical, dental, counseling, Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children and basic radiology services. The administration operations are also located on-site. A far cry from the one provider in a shared office, CCM continues to monitor community needs and reach out to their target populations.
Community Clinic of Maui Offers One-Stop for Healthcare Needs
Amy M. Parr
Community Facilities