Home Loan
Customer Service Center
The CSC services mortgage loans and grants to individuals in rural areas throughout the United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Virgin Islands and the Pacific Trust Territories.
P.O. Box 66889
St. Louis, MO 63166
Phone: (800) 414-1226 (Toll Free)
TTY: (800) 438-1832 (Toll Free)
Fax: (314) 457-4431
State Contacts
In this section, you will find contact information for your state office or local area office.
State Office Contacts
Find your state office phone number, address, and state director.
GFRs, Field Accountants, State Energy Coordinators
To view a full list of representatives, first select a state.
ReConnect GFRs
In this section, you will find specific contact information for ReConnect GFRs.
Joseph Gilford
Phone: 614-255-2418
At Large Coverage
Rick Sturtevant
Cell Phone: (202) 577-7569
At Large Coverage
Guadalupe Valdes
Cell Phone: (402) 689-8564
At Large Coverage
Jessica Beal Hamilton
Cell Phone: (207) 659-0612
At Large Coverage
Kevin McCann
Cell Phone: (702) 667 - 6331
At Large Coverage
National Office Contacts
In this section, you will find specific contact information for Rural Development agencies, Civil Rights, and FOIA requests.
Press Inquiries
Office of External Affairs
1400 Independence Avenue, SW.
Washington, D.C. 20250-0705
Press Inquiries: RD.Press@usda.gov
Congressional Inquiries: (202) 720-9928