Phase 2 applications are due by December 31, 2024. Note this deadline has been extended from October 1, 2024
What Does This Program Do?
The Biobased Markets and Development Access Grants Program (BDAP) provides grants to eligible applicants to establish and validate the commercial viability of certain biobased technologies by building or operating integrated demonstration units (IDUs)– facilities that demonstrate continuous, successful production for a set period of time.
Who can Apply?
You can apply for BDAP only if you have successfully completed the Phase 1 of USDA Rural Development’s Refinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance Program application process, and have received a “Greenlight Letter” for Phase 2. Information about this program, also known as “Section 9003,” is available at this link: RBCS9003.
NOTE: Already-completed IDU projects are not eligible for BDAP funding.
Are there additional requirements?
To be eligible for the grant, a project must:
- Meet all eligibility requirements associated with building a domestic IDU
- Use grant funds to cover costs associated with building a domestic IDU or paying for an existing domestic IDU to run the campaign following the guidance provided in 7 CFR 4279.265 – available at this link: 7CFR-4279-265
- Have a current lender of record attached to the project
- Use an agricultural commodity-based feedstock
For the purposes of this grant, examples of “agricultural commodities” include apples, aquatic plants cultivated in a controlled environment, barley, citrus, corn, cotton, dry beans, peas, flax, forage, grain sorghum, grapes, hemp, livestock, native grass, nursery crops, nuts, oats, oilseed plants, oranges, peanuts, potatoes, raisins, rice, rye, soybeans, sugar beets, sugar cane, sunflowers, tame hay, timber and other forestry products, tomatoes, wheat, and derivatives of the above, such as residues and woody biomass.
NOTE: The BDAP grant excludes stored grain.
How can funds be used?
Examples of covered costs include construction, feedstock procurement, personnel salaries, equipment procurement and installation, and IDU report development.
What are some grant terms?
While $200 million is available until expended, individual grants cannot exceed $10 million, and award amounts are based on demonstrated need. You must:
- Define and submit financial need for the grant amount you are requesting
- Provide a cost analysis for the IDU and associated campaign
- Submit an updated, complete budget from Phase 1, encompassing your entire project, including the IDU
Grant thresholds are based on projected needs. Comprehensive definitions of BDAP grant terms are available at this link: USDA-BDAP
How do I get started?
- If you intend to submit a BDAP application, you must email USDA’s Rural Business-Cooperative Service (RBCS) at within 14 days of receiving an invitation letter to participate. RBCS will send a confirmation email acknowledging your intent to apply.
- You then must submit a complete, electronic application to within 60 days of receiving RBCS’s acknowledgment of your intent to apply.
- Incomplete applications – or those submitted after the deadline – will not be considered for funding.
Who can answer questions?
- Email questions to Be sure to mention the BDAP program in your subject line.
- Detailed program information can also be found at: Sam.Gov
What law governs this program?
- BDAP is authorized by the Commodity Credit Corporation (CCC) Charter Act (available at this link: The CCC has helped expand domestic markets for agricultural commodities since its incorporation into USDA nearly 75 years ago. The BDAP grant is administered by USDA Rural Development’s Rural Business-Cooperative Service (available at this link: RDRBCS).
Application Checklist
- Form SF 424: Application for Federal Assistance (You will find the family of SF-424 forms on gov at this link: SF-424Docs)
- Form SF 424-C: Budget Information for Construction Programs (see above for link to SF-424 forms)
- Form SF 424-D: Assurances-Construction Programs (see above for link to SF-424 forms)
- Form AD-2106: Form to Assist in Assessment of USDA Compliance with Civil Rights Laws (available as a downloadable PDF)
- Form SF-LLL: Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (available as a downloadable PDF).
Project Narrative and Certifications:
- Project Narrative with supporting documentation, including a description of the commodity-based feedstock being used. Do not exceed five pages.
- Signed certifications page
Supporting Materials Related to the Integrated Demonstration Unit (IDU)
Statement of demonstrated need, including:
- A narrative description of financial need for the requested grant amount
- The entire budget for your proposed IDU and IDU campaign, including construction costs, feedstock procurement, personnel salaries, equipment procurement and installation, and IDU report development
- Financial resources and uses for your IDU and IDU campaign
Documentation demonstrating readiness for IDU and IDU campaign development:
- A demonstration protocol that defines testing procedures, target goals, and any other pertinent information, including a timeline for campaign completion. A proposed IDU campaign timeline must illustrate appropriate milestones and benchmarks for completion of the IDU and technical report within the required 18- month period of performance.
- Documentation establishing that logistics, procurement, and management are in place to initiate and continue the IDU campaign
- Demonstration plan for commercial viability following IDU campaign completion
- Source documentation – including resumes – for the IDU to support key personnel, construction, labor, and operational workforce
- Design and construction If your project is selected for funding, we will follow guidance in 7 CFR 4280.125 – (available at this link: Construction Planning and Performing Development).
Financial viability package for the associated Biorefinery, Renewable Chemical, and Biobased Product Manufacturing Assistance (9003) Program commercial project, including:
- A business plan
- Three years of historical balance sheet and income statements
- Current balance sheet and income statements (no older than 90 days)
- Two years of pro forma and projected financial analysis, including balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow analysis. You must include financial projections with assumptions used in the development of your
- Updated budget for entire the 9003 Program commercial project, including the IDU
- A letter of commitment from the current lender of record for the entire project
Feasibility study: Projects must provide a feasibility study signed by a qualified consultant (available at this link: use the Feasibility Study in Section 5 of the FY 2022 Section 9003 Program Application Guide). NOTE: Feasibility studies submitted as part of your Phase 1 application will be accepted.
A Tribal Resolution of Support is required if your proposed IDU is on Tribal lands, and the applicant is not the Tribe, or an organization owned by the Tribe
Other Required Actions:
- Register in the System for Award Management (available at this link: SAM)
- Ensure your existing SAM account is current and Proof of submission is acceptable.
There are no additional requirements.
Email questions to Be sure to mention the BDAP program in your subject line.
There are no current events scheduled.