In 1982, after suffering from a farm accident, Helen Scott was sent from her Oklahoma farm to Asbury Park’s Rehab House in Newton, Kan. Initially, therapist thought it would take Scott up to a year in the Rehab House to recover from her injury. In one month, Scott was back on her feet and decided to move into Asbury Park’s assisted living facility with her husband.
For more than 30 years, Scott has lived at Asbury Park. Her husband passed away a few years after moving to the facility. While at Asbury Park, Scott learned how to paint and her room is filled with beautiful paintings of rural landscapes and cardinals.
In 2014, Asbury Park completed construction of its new 36,000-square-foot assisted-living facility utilizing loan and grant funds from USDA Rural Development.
Scott was one of the last residents to select her new room, and it is the furthest from the dining area, but she says she doesn’t mind the walk. Her residence is Room H, which she says was meant for her, Helen Scott.
"I feel like I have my own village right outside my room," said Scott. "Across the hall I have a spa, a beauty parlor, and a fitness center. It doesn’t get much better than that."
Asbury Park Inc., is a not-for-profit continuing care retirement community in Newton, Kan., and has been assisting elderly individuals in Newton for 50 years. The organization is a leader in elderly healthcare and provides services to more than 200 individuals, including 24-hour skilled nursing care, assisted living services, rental cottages and patio homes for independent living, and home health.