Water and Environmental Programs Engineering
Providing quality water service and safe, efficient waste disposal for rural areas requires thoughtful application of technology. Rural Development (RD) draws upon engineering resources in two ways to enhance the delivery of the Water and Environmental Programs.
First, RD has staff engineers in State Offices that interface with applicants, their consulting engineers, and other agencies. In the interest of developing the best possible projects, RD staff engineers are responsible for reviewing project documents and concurring in the technical aspects of Water and Waste Disposal projects funded under Rural Utilities Service (RUS), an agency of Rural Development.
Second, RD maintains a working partnership with the consulting engineers. Consulting engineers often make first contact with applicants and provide basic information about RD programs. This partnership has resulted in thousands of successful water and waste projects. The purpose of our web pages is to provide current, useful engineering information to applicants, consulting engineers, and RD staff.
For questions regarding engineering policy at the national level, please contact Valdis Krumins, PhD, PE, ENV SP, Engineer, 202-538-5567. For questions about specific projects or applications please contact your Rural Development State Office.
Engineering Resources
- Electronic Preliminary Engineering Report (EPer)
- Selecting An Engineer
- Preliminary Engineering Report (PER)
- Engineering and Construction Contract Documents
- Open and Free Competition
- Engineering Links
- Water and Environmental Publications
- Engineering Related Bulletins
- RUS Bulletin 1780-2, "Preliminary Engineering Report for the Water and Waste Disposal Program"
- RUS Bulletin 1780-18, "Daily Inspection Report"
- RUS Bulletin 1780-26, "Guidance for the Use of Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committee (EJCDC) Documents on Water and Waste Projects with RUS Financial Assistance."
- RUS Bulletin 1780-33, "Guidance for Conducting Value Engineering Studies for Water and Waste Projects"
- RUS Bulletin 1780-34, "Guidance for Using the Competitive Sealed Bids Process for the Water and Waste Disposal Program"
- RUS Bulletin 1780-35, " Guidance for the Implementation of American Iron and Steel (AIS) Requirements with Rural Utilities Service (RUS) Financial Assistance"
USDA Forms & Exhibits Required to Complete Construction Contract Documents Package
- RD 400-6, Compliance Statement
- RD Instruction 1940-Q, Exhibit A-1 (Use only Exhibit A-1 in documents),Certification for Contracts, Grants, and Loans
- AD-1048, Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions
- RD 1924-7, Change Order for use with Short Form Construction Contract Bulletin 1780-15,
- RD 1924-18, Partial Payment Estimate for use with Short Form Construction Contract Bulletin 1780-15
- Temporary Construction Sign Layout Guidelines | Sign Layout Landscape | Sign Layout Portrait
Other Forms, Posters and References Helpful During the Project Construction Period (RD not responsible for content or reliability of these sites)
GPO Access, Davis-Bacon Wage Determinations