USDA established the Rural Workforce Innovation Network (RWIN) to create a forum for public and private partners to help increase access to workforce opportunities in rural America.
This network seeks to engage a wide range of government entities, colleges and universities, nonprofit organizations, private businesses, chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, as well as individuals that are actively working to enhance workforce development in their local communities.
RWIN helps rural leaders collaborate to:
Build new partnerships;
Develop tools and resources to meet the needs of rural employers and employees; and
Share and identify information on emerging trends, best practices, and workforce development resources.
USDA is committed to being a strong partner with grassroots leaders who create and improve quality jobs in America’s rural communities and towns.
Through the Rural Workforce Innovation Network (RWIN), USDA stimulates conversation, connection and dialogue among a group of network members who span the Nation. Best practices are highlighted which emphasize implementation techniques for innovative strategies, as well as sharing new and existing resources.
When a wide range of public and private interests align to support a skilled and versatile workforce, rural communities can prosper and thrive.
RWIN currently has more than 425 members, each representing rural government entities, colleges and universities, non-profit organizations, and private businesses, as well as individuals.
USDA encourages any individual or group interested in improving the workforce in their community to join. To become a member, please click ‘Join’ below.
Sign up for the Innovation Matters newsletter: a publication noting funding, opportunities, events, and resources in rural America.
Send your questions about the Rural Workforce Innovation Network to .