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Success Stories

Rural Hospital Modernizes with USDA Rural Development

Jan Hoskinson
Community Facilities
Picture of South Big Horn Hospital

35 miles may not seem like a long distance, but when a Wyoming blizzard is blowing and the road is a sheet of ice, the delay could mean the difference between life or death.

South Big Horn County Hospital in Basin, Wyoming carries the designation of a critical access hospital, and provides the nearly 12,000 residents of Big Horn County 24-hour emergency services including 6 beds for inpatient care. For the 1,300 residents of Basin, it very literally is a lifesaver.

The original hospital was built in 1956 and added a nursing home in 1973. The nursing home helps Basin residents to keep elderly family members close. While some updating has been done over the years, the hospital needed to modernize to provide better medical services to its clients.

USDA Rural Development was able to provide assistance through our Community Facility Loan Program to fund a rehabilitation project on the hospital. The project will add four additional inpatient beds, and upgrade emergency room services, inpatient services, nursing home and dietary services. It will also include improvements to energy efficiency, and will bring the hospital to current ADA accessibility standards.

This project involved collaboration with the hospital district, Big Horn County, Wyoming State Land and Investment Board and the community as a whole. Their partnership with USDA Rural Development is providing this remote and underserved area of Wyoming with modern health care.

Obligation Amount:
Year(s) of Obligation:
Congressional District:
  • Wyoming: District At-Large