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Search Results: 40 Stories
Collaborating to Preserve the Art and Culture of Southwest Virginia
Many museums inspire awe and wonder, transporting visitors back to the past or giving them a glimpse of the future, but few can claim to be a paradise for those who walk through the doors. The William King experience reaches that level for many people in Southwest Virginia who… [Read More]
Partnering to Forge a Better Future for the People of Brunswick County
Southside Virginia may be within driving distance of the state capital, but its tight-knit rural communities are a world away from the more fast-paced urban scene of Richmond. While the region’s agricultural roots run deep, the farms still in operation today can’t sustain the… [Read More]
Theater Takes Center Stage in Buchanan County
They may not be quite as colorful as their counterparts from the acclaimed 1989 film, but the women behind the Theatre Guild of Buchanan County are “Steel Magnolias” in their own right with a fierce commitment to lifting up their community and providing an artistic outlet for… [Read More]
Bridging the Care Gaps to Foster Wellness and Recovery in Rural Virginia
The story of Mount Rogers Community Services (MRCS) extends far beyond a single person or family. The ever-expanding narrative is more like a patchwork quilt of caring that covers six jurisdictions in Southwest Virginia.
Each story is personal because Chief Executive Officer… [Read More]
Opening the Door to a Healthier Future Through Home Ownership
Mary Ann Forrester is living proof that “life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.” The familiar lyric from John Lennon’s “Beautiful Boy (Darling Boy)” offers a perfect picture of her path to home ownership and fierce commitment to her son’s health and… [Read More]
Musings of a Well Traveled Virginia Winemaker
How did a globe-trotting former diplomat and one of Washington’s top international lawyers end up running an award-winning winery along the North Fork of the Shenandoah River? The answer is pretty simple really. It was a place to put down roots.
The historic Woodstock, Va.,… [Read More]
Waynesboro Movie Theater Brings Solar Power to the Big Screen
Hundreds of local residents and visitors gather at Waynesboro’s Zeus Digital Theater each week to view the latest theatrical releases on eight big screens, never realizing that they are being transported to other worlds via the power of the sun.
A 241kw system perched high atop… [Read More]
Solar Switch Proves Profitable for Rockingham County Poultry Producer
Bob Threewitts raises heavy broilers in one of the top poultry producing and processing regions of the U.S., so he knows a thing or two about making his operation more productive and profitable. The solar panels he installed a little over two years ago check both boxes and will… [Read More]
A Scenic View to Viticulture Success in Virginia's Shenandoah Valley
While many factors go into selecting the best site for a new business, the view was at the top of the list for Nathan and Irma Bailey. The couple was leaving corporate jobs to start a vineyard and brewery, so scenic vistas were important.
“We were looking for some place in the… [Read More]
Showstopping Pumper Elevates Efficiency and Safety of Alberta Emergency Responses
Hand-me-downs are a right of passage in many large families but aren’t a great approach to public safety in rural communities. The Alberta Volunteer Fire Department was making do with engines procured from nearby communities when the nonprofit decided to pump the brakes on… [Read More]