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Success Stories

Investing in Wastewater Infrastructure is Key to Preserving Smith Island, Maryland

For the people living on Smith Island, the water matters. But it’s about more than the beautiful views of the Chesapeake Bay from the picturesque island ten miles from the mainland. The multi‐generational residents depend on the surrounding Chesapeake Bay for their livelihoods. For many, crabbing, oystering, and ecotourism are what puts dollars in their bank accounts, and food on their tables. In rural communities…

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Search Results: 42 Stories
Mike tests his thermostat for new cove heaters while Luke supervises.

Home Electrified & Heated for Comfortable Living

Michael Costa was having electrical issues in his 1912, 900 sq. ft., two bedroom bungalow home in Scottsbluff, Nebraska.  The electric outlets upstairs were not working.  Some electricity did work downstairs where he had his TV and kept his refrigerator running by way of an… [Read More]
Photo: A mother with a fixed income was able to complete critical repairs to her house with help from a local nonprofit and a USDA grant.

Vital Repairs Help Mother, Daughter Remain in their Home

Maria no longer felt safe in her own home, where she lives with her daughter, Margarita, in rural Malheur County in eastern Oregon. Wind blew in through the cracks around the windows, and water leaked through the roof. But with her low monthly income, Maria could not afford… [Read More]