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Rural Utilities Service Contacts

Administrator's Office
Call: (202)720-9540
Address: USDA Rural Development
Rural Utilities Service
STOP 1510, Rm 4121-S
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-1510

Andrew Berke, Administrator - (202) 720-9540
Jason Lumia, Chief of Staff - (202) 720-9540
Anne Mayberry,  Management Analyst - (202) 690-1756
Shawanda Dennis, Administrative Specialist - (202) 720-9540

Electric Programs
Address: USDA Rural Development
Rural Utilities Service
STOP 1560, Rm 4121-S
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-1560


Christopher A. McLean, Assistant Administrator - (202) 720-9545
Jim Elliott, Director of Operations - (202) 720-9546
Jonathan P. Claffey, Senior Policy Advisor – (202) 720-9545
Amy McWilliams, Acting Program Advisor - (202) 205-8663
Catherine Early,  Office Assistant/Scheduler – (202) 720-9545


Office of Loan Origination and Approval (OLOA)
Office of Portfolio Management and Risk Assessment (OPMRA)
Office of Customer Service and Technical Assistance (OCSTA) 
Grid Security Division (GSD) 
Electric General Field Representatives

Telecommunications Program
Address: USDA Rural Development
Rural Utilities Service
STOP 1590, Rm 4121-S
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-1590


Laurel Leverrier,  Assistant Administrator - (202) 720-9556
Shawn Arner, Deputy Assistant Administrator -(202) 720-9556
Kimberly Armstead, Administrative Specialist - (202) 720-9556

Telecom Staff
Telecom General Field Representatives

Water and Environmental Programs
Address: USDA Rural Development
Rural Utilities Service
STOP 1548, Rm 4121-S
1400 Independence Ave., SW
Washington, DC 20250-1548

Michele Brooks, Assistant Administrator - (202) 692-0308
Janet Stouder, Deputy Assistant Administrator - (202) 720-9728
Vacant, Administrative Management Specialist - (202) 692-0308

WEP National Staff
WEP Engineers
WEP Program Directors