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Success Stories

Investing in Wastewater Infrastructure is Key to Preserving Smith Island, Maryland

For the people living on Smith Island, the water matters. But it’s about more than the beautiful views of the Chesapeake Bay from the picturesque island ten miles from the mainland. The multi‐generational residents depend on the surrounding Chesapeake Bay for their livelihoods. For many, crabbing, oystering, and ecotourism are what puts dollars in their bank accounts, and food on their tables. In rural communities…

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Search Results: 6 Stories
City of Italy Pavillion

High Speed Heroes Keeping Rural Texans Connected

Embracing remote work can be a game-changer for rural America, but it requires robust infrastructure and reliable internet connectivity. As remote work becomes more common, high-speed internet will allow Italy to compete for residents seeking a slower pace of life outside of the… [Read More]
Reel of Fiber in rural countryside.

ReConnecting Rural Residents to Reliable High-Speed Internet

High-speed internet used to be considered a luxury for many rural customers. When the pandemic hit, the need for reliable broadband service became a priority. Thanks to Rural Development’s ReConnect program, rural customers near Timber Lake now will have reliable internet… [Read More]
USDA RD's ReConnect program helped Lindsay's family access high-speed internet

Home Telephone Company Rings up ReConnect Success in McClellanville, South Carolina

Lindsay is a working mother in McClellanville, South Carolina, and like many people living in rural communities, lacking access to reliable, high-speed internet used to be a challenge that affected her entire family.   “Especially when the kids came home from school, and I was… [Read More]

Broadband Service Changing Lives in Rural Tennessee

  North Central Telephone Cooperative (NCTC) recently completed construction of more than 1,000 miles of Fiber To The Home (FTTH) facilities making broadband service available to approximately 14,000 households, 951 businesses, and 48 strategic institutions.  Headquartered in… [Read More]

USDA RD Partners with HTC to Make Broadband Available

Many of us take access to modern electronic and technological services for granted. But for businesses in Rural America, the lack of high-speed internet connections can make a difference between success and layoffs. In 2009, Highland Telephone Cooperative (HTC) began pursuing… [Read More]

Western Iowa Gets Gigabit Internet Service

Where can Iowans find some of the fastest internet service in Iowa?  How about in three rural communities in the western part of the state that have a total population of just 962 residents. Residents in and around the communities of Breda (pop. 483) and Lidderdale (pop. 180)… [Read More]