Business and Industry Guaranteed Loan (B&I) Program
White Pass
Keybank - White Pass Ski Area Expansion EIS
Community Facilities Program
- Minidoka Dam Spillway Replacement -- Lake Walcott, ID
North Topsail Beach Shoreline Protection - North Topsail Beach NC
Environmental Assessments
Section 9003 of the 2008 Farm Bill - Biorefinery Assistance Program
Sapphire Energy Inc. - Integrated Algal Biorefinery - Environmental Assessment
- Supplemental EA
- EA
- Attachment 1
- Attachment 2
- Attachment 3
- Attachment 4 ( 4A 4B 4C 4D or 4E )
- Attachment 5
- Attachment 6
- Coskata, Inc. Cellulosic Ethanol Facility Environmental Assessment
- Enerkem, Inc - Cellulosc Ethanol Facility - Environmental Assessment
- Freemont Community Digester, LLC- Freemont Community Digester - Environmental Assessment
- BlueFire Fulton Renewable Energy LLC - Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefinery Environmental Assessment
- INEOS New Planet Bioenergy, LLC - Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefinery Environmental Assessment
- Imperium - Aviation Fuels Biorefinery
- ZeaChem Boardman LLC – Cellulosic Ethanol Biorefinery – Environmental Assessment and FONSI
- TerraFuels LLC – Municipal Solid Waste Biorefinery – Environmental Assessment
- Chemtex International Inc. Project Alpha – Environmental Assessment and FONSI
- Fiberight, LLC Blairstown Biorefinery – Environmental Assessment and FONSI
- Sierra Biofuels, LLC Fulcrum Biorefinery – Environmental Assessment and FONSI
- EA
- Lanza Tech Freedom Pines Biorefinery- Environmental Assessment and FONSI
- Cool Planet Project Genesis - Woody Biomass Biorefinery -FONSI
- Environmental Assessment
- Appendices
- Figures
- Ensyn Georgia Biorefinery I LLC – Wood Biomass Biorefinery – FONSI
- Novus Pacific Environmental Assessment
Programmatic Environmental Assessment on RD Biofuels Rules
- Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) on regulations to implement Sections 9003, 9004, and 9005 of the 2008 Farm Bill for renewable energy and biofuels. The final EA and attached FONSI.