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Success Stories

Investing in Wastewater Infrastructure is Key to Preserving Smith Island, Maryland

For the people living on Smith Island, the water matters. But it’s about more than the beautiful views of the Chesapeake Bay from the picturesque island ten miles from the mainland. The multi‐generational residents depend on the surrounding Chesapeake Bay for their livelihoods. For many, crabbing, oystering, and ecotourism are what puts dollars in their bank accounts, and food on their tables. In rural communities…

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Search Results: 102 Stories
Sherry Morgan Event Group Photo

Crow Creek Sioux Tribe Reservation Member Becomes First Time Homeowner

Sherry Louise Morgan is an enrolled member of the Crow Creek Sioux Tribe.  She has worked hard for two years to obtain her dream  of not only homeownership  but to complete this dream on her mom and dad’s leased land where she lived as a young girl.  In recognizing her great… [Read More]
The Watts family was thrilled to move into their newly constructed house in Harrisburg, Oregon, and become first generation homeowners.

Habitat and USDA Team Up to Create First-generation Homeowners

Donavan and Deborah Watts thought that, like their parents, they would never own their own home. But they were tired of the leaky roof, the water pump that sounded like a jet engine, and the strict landlord who would not allow them to plant a garden in front of their rented… [Read More]