Important Meeting to Develop More Childcare Opportunities in Grant County
How to open a childcare business to be discussed
(Albuquerque N.M., March 9, 2023) – U.S.D.A. Rural Development State Director Patricia Dominguez announced today a meeting will be held to discuss the need for more childcare in Southwest New Mexico in Grant, Luna, Hidalgo, and Catron counties).
The meeting will be held in conjunction with USDA Rural Development’s Rural Partners Network (RPN) and the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments (SWNMCOG) to discuss how the lack of childcare facilities is a contributing factor to Grant County’s economy. This includes the lack of childcare providers which limits the number of children that can receive services.
The meeting will focus on the following items on how to open a child-care center:
• Services provided by the State of New Mexico Licensing Division
• Food Reimbursement Program
• Helping individuals navigate through licensing requirements
• Basic steps to start a daycare provider service
WHAT: USDA Rural Development and the Southwest New Mexico Council of Governments will be holding a meeting on the need of childcare in Grant County
WHEN: Thursday, March 23, 2023, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm
WHERE: Grant County Convention Center, 3031 US-180, Silver City, NM 88061
FLYER: Click here to see flyer
CONTACT: Kristi Ortiz, 575-654-5788