If you need additional information about the environmental documents listed, please contact the regional environmental specialist for your state. The State Assignment Map shows the state assignments for the environmental and cultural resource specialists.
A document prepared to determine whether the impacts of a proposal would be significant and thus warrant preparation of an EIS.
Impact Statements
A detailed written statement documenting RD’s analysis of the potential environmental impacts of a proposal which has been determined to be a major federal action significantly affecting the quality of the human environment.
FPEP Environmental Review Comment Submissions
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that the Biden-Harris Administration would make $500 million in grants available to increase American-made fertilizer production to spur competition and combat price hikes on U.S. farmers.
Environmental Guidance
USDA Rural Development (RD) Environmental staff supports RD mission by providing support and technical assistance for RD’s loan, grant, and loan guarantee projects.
HUD-USDA Joint Notice
The Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007 (EISA) requires HUD and USDA to jointly adopt the most recently published energy codes, subject to a cost-benefit housing “affordability and availability” test.