November 7, 2022 (Updated 1/13/23)
USDA Rural Development Periodic Review of Rural Areas in Suffolk County, New York for Housing Programs
The purpose of this notice is to inform the public that USDA Rural Development in New York is conducting a review of Suffolk County, NY to determine if the tribal territory of the Shinnecock Indian Nation qualifies as rural. In accordance with 7 CFR 3550.56 and HB-1-3550, Section 5.3 (C)(1), Rural Development must conduct periodic reviews to identify areas that qualify or no longer qualify as rural. The last rural area reviews were performed in 2017-2018 using the 2010 census data. This will serve as an interim review, specific to the tribal territory of the Shinnecock Indian Nation with a statewide review to occur again in 2023.
“Rural” and “rural area” for the purpose of establishing eligibility to participate in USDA housing programs is defined in Section 520 of the Housing Act of 1949 (as amended) (Act). The definition can also be found in HB-1-3550, Chapter 5, Section 5.3 (A). Current housing program eligibility maps can be found
USDA Rural Development will conduct its periodic review of the Shinnecock Indian Nation, located in Suffolk County, New York for housing programs beginning on November 7, 2022. While we conduct this analysis, a comment period will extend for 90 days, concluding February 6, 2023. USDA Rural Development welcomes comment and input from the public, lending partners, tribal communities, stakeholders and other interested parties.
Please submit all comments to the attention of Jennifer Jackson, Single Family Housing Program Director via e-mail at or mail to the following address: USDA Rural Development / 441 South Salina Street, Syracuse, NY 13202.
A conference call has been rescheduled to consider comments with stakeholders and the public for Friday, January 20, 2023 at 11:00AM. Interested parties may connect via Microsoft Teams: Join on your computer, mobile app or room device
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