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An acronym is an abbreviation consisting of the first letters of each word in the name of something. Below is a table listing acronyms found on the rd.usda.gov website and others commonly used. Use the following search tool to find a specific acronym and it's definition.

Acronym Sort ascending Term Name & Description
Acronym:WEP Term Name & Description:Water and Environmental Programs Term Name & Description:

This encompasses a group of water related programs administered by the Rural Utilities Service

Acronym:VAPG Term Name & Description:Value-Added Producer Grants Term Name & Description:

A grant program administered the Rural Business Cooperative Service

Acronym:USS Term Name & Description:United States Senator Term Name & Description:

Used in signatures and signature blocks from members of the U.S. Senate

Acronym:USEC Term Name & Description:Under Secretary
Acronym:TO Term Name & Description:Technology Office Term Name & Description:

Provides customer satisfaction by delivering superior information solutions and engaging frequently and effectively with customers to enrich their experience with RD Programs. The Technology office provides IT leadership, sets the mission, vision and direction for the IT organization, guides and coordinates project execution, is accountable for all IT functions, and prepares and issues internal and external IT communications.

Acronym:SFHGLP Term Name & Description:Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program
Acronym:SFH Term Name & Description:Single Family Housing
Acronym:SED Term Name & Description:Strategic Engagement Division
Acronym:SECD Term Name & Description:Strategic Economic Community Development
Acronym:SDGG Term Name & Description:Socially Disadvantaged Group Grants Term Name & Description:

A grant program administered by Program information

Acronym:SD Term Name & Description:State Director
Acronym:SAU Term Name & Description:Special Assets Unit
Acronym:RWIN Term Name & Description:Rural Workforce Innovation Network Term Name & Description:

A forum for public and private partners created by the Innovation Center to help increase access to workforce opportunities across rural America

Acronym:RUS Term Name & Description:Rural Utilities Service Term Name & Description:

One of the three main mission areas of USDA Rural Development. It administers programs that provide infrastructure or infrastructure improvements to rural communities. These include water and waste treatment, electric power, and telecommunications services.

Acronym:RPN Term Name & Description:Rural Partners Network
Acronym:RPIC Term Name & Description:Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge Term Name & Description:

Cooperative agreements administered by the Innovation Center

Acronym:RMAP Term Name & Description:Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program
Acronym:RISE Term Name & Description:Rural Innovation Stronger Economies Term Name & Description:

New RBS program. Funding has not yet been made available. Information on this program is available in a July 2020 stakeholder announcement

Acronym:RHS Term Name & Description:Rural Housing Service Term Name & Description:

One of the three main mission areas of USDA Rural Development. It operates a broad range of programs to provide moderate- low- and very-low-income Americans in rural communities with various forms of housing and community facilities.

Acronym:RESP Term Name & Description:Rural Energy Savings Program Term Name & Description:

A program administered by the Rural Utilities Service.

Acronym:REDLG Term Name & Description:Rural Economic Development Loan and Grant Program
Acronym:REDI Term Name & Description:Rural Economic Development Innovation Term Name & Description:

Cooperative agreements administered by the Innovation Center

Acronym:REAP Term Name & Description:Rural Energy for America Program
Acronym:RD Term Name & Description:Rural Development Term Name & Description:

A mission area within the United States Department of Agriculture which runs programs intended to improve the economy and quality of life in rural America

Acronym:RCDG Term Name & Description:Rural Cooperative Development Grants